Hyperseal BR2510N
Hydrophilic Butyl Rubber for in-situ concrete
Hyperseal BR is a high performance hydrophilic butyl rubber waterstop, which swells to form a long-lasting water-tight compression seal. The swelling action is the result between water and hydrophilic groups which are part of the Hyperseal BR molecular structure. Hyperseal BR is suitable for static or low movement construction joints, cold-joints and penetrations where there is any concern regarding water penetration.
Suitable for application in concrete foundations and walls, concrete slabs on grade, elevated slabs and ramps, elevator and equipment pits, precast construction, swimming pools and water features, water towers, reservoirs and water storage tanks, tunnels, pipes and underground vaults, marine environments.
• Long-lasting durability
• Easy to install, requires no welding or complex detailing
• Self-adhesive backing
• Light-weight for easy handling
• Slow expansion coating to prevent damage to freshly placed
• Conforms to surfaces with a moderate amount of irregularity
without the use of additional products
• Stainless Steel net insert for strength
• Swelling properties unaffected by long term wet/dry cycles
• Suitable with salt-water and common ground contaminants
• Sustains effective seal in submerged environments
• Safe for potable water and zero VOC.
Hydrostatic resistance: 500kPa (50m head)
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